Thursday, May 15, 2008

A New Space

Last week at Journey we had 16 families participate in baby dedications during the services. I was able to pop in during the dedication part of the service and thought Journey did a great job making a group dedication personal and impactful for each family and those watching. Because of this our toddler class second service really felt the impact in attendance.

We had several toddlers walking around with teary eyes and dirty diapers. I was afraid the volunteers serving in there were going to have teary eyes as well before the service was over. Fortunately those serving, Kara and Briana had great attitudes and managed to stay gentle and calm for the kids. Our junior volunteers also helped with lots of hugs and playing with the children.

After reading an article in the magazine K by Michelle Triplett I have decided to change things up a bit to see if we can create a more peaceful atmosphere for the kids and volunteers without adding anything new to the room but rather just working with what we already have.

First things first. The room has to smell good. Rather than putting stinky diapers in the trash can in the room, (with no windows) this week we are going to take dirty diapers to an outside trash can after each and every one. I'm also planning on cleaning the room tomorrow with my favorite organic cleaner Mrs. Meyers geranium scent.

Second today as I was looking around the room I realized we have lots of different kinds of things for the kids to play with but no organization to the room. It's an open, fairly large room where kids have just roamed freely from one toy to the next. I brought in a divider and sectioned off a part of the room for "quiet space." This area has rocking chairs, books, big comfy seats for the kids and a tv. I'm planning on having one volunteer stay in this area to help the fussy children who may need a break from the rest of the room where the kids are playing louder. The divider also helps create a block so the children won't have to constantly watch the door hoping mom or dad will be coming back soon.

The rest of the room is divided up into three other spaces; snack tables, play kitchen and other activity toys and the last one is climbing center where we have two slides, a bin of balls and other things for kids to climb on.

I'm hoping with this new arrangement the kids can become more absorbed in their play. We will see how it goes on Sunday. I'll let you know.

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