Monday, June 23, 2008


Noah's Club is looking for a volunteer to serve as a "recruiting liason." This person would be responsible for:

-spending time at the Parent Relations desk on Sunday's getting to know parents or fielding questions of people interested in serving

-serving as go-between people interested in serving and classroom leads

-giving tours to potential volunteers of Noah's Club

-helping director create a recruiting campaign by August 3 including t-shirts, flyers and booth

-follow up with people inquiring to serve

DISCLAIMER: This person is not responsible for handling all of the actual recruiting. Meaning the searching, finding and asking the right people to fill the needed spots. I feel this is the responsibility of any leader serving in our ministry.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Green Room

Wikipedia defines green room as:
A green room is a room in a theater, studio, or other public venue for the accommodation of performers or speakers when not required on the stage.
Its function is as a break/touch-up lounge so that performers do not have to go back to wardrobe/dressing rooms and are still easily accessible for their call.
It goes on to say one of the reasons it is called the green room because the room is colored in green which is thought to be a calming, soothing color.

Noah's Club does have a lounge area on the second floor right in front of the resource room. Our Children's pastor has been bringing in donuts to that room on Sunday's for who knows how long. Because of the nature of our ministry the room is rarely used. We don't have the luxury of lounging in a room until it's time to go back on stage, we are on stage (teaching in our classroom) from beginning to end of service without a break.

Even if we have to be creative in the times we use the room I have a heart to see the room occupied. It just so happens that the room is already painted green which might just be some kind of prophesy of whats to come. I have a heart to see volunteers meeting up there before class starts to pray together or even just hang for a moment and get to know eachother. Or maybe after service volunteers can meet in there to recap how class went and pray for students going through a rough time. I would like to expand on the green walls and bring touches of inspiration and "green" to the rest of the room. While attending a conference awhile back a church in Orange County had pictures hanging back stage with inspiring writings on them. They called the area "the hall of preparation" and at the end of the hall volunteers could take communion if they wanted. I would love to incorporate this in our green room.

Serving as director for Noah's Club for the past three months I've already learned so many things. One of the main things would be the volunteers serving in this ministry are faithful. Their commitment to serve week in and week out to reach these kids is truly inspiring. I'm hoping when this room is completed they will have a space to sit and unwind, relax, experience community, feel valued and inspired.

This week we will start with phase one. Donuts, starbucks coffee, bottled water and green M&M's. If you serve in Noah's Club come upstairs and experience your green room.