Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Can Learning Be Fun?

As a mom of a pre-schooler and a toddler I'm becoming more and more aware of how much my kids pick up from the world around them. Whether it be a cartoon they watch in the morning or something I say in passing to a friend it seems to go into their head and inevitably later out of their mouth. This is causing me to be more intentional about the words that I say and more protective over the use of their time. These little sponges that are entrusted to my care seem to walk around waiting to learn something. One of my responsibilities as their parent is to keep their learnings on the positive side rather than the negative. One would think if learning is so natural for children why is it that some have such a hard time developing the skills needed for kindergarten? Forget graduating from highschool or college some parents just pray they will make it through these challenging pre-school years.

I'm not sure what the answer to that would be. I do think kids have different learning styles and we can't expect what might work for one child to work for another. Sometimes the best thing we can do as parents is let go of the control that grips us to try and make our kids what we think they should be and take more time to watch and listen to what their individual learning curve is. One way that might be universal for all children in how they pick things up is through television. I have found a show on PBS called Super Why. I love this show because it's helping my son learn how to sound out letters and read words in a fun, entertaining way. Parents can also log on to this website so kids can play fun games while learning reading skills. Even at this young age homework is already feeling forced so when tv can sneak in some academic learning when kids just think their watching their usual cartoons it's a good thing.

This show makes me wonder what the church can do better to help learning about God and his love more fun for kids? What would you say?

1 comment:

Becky said...

Garrett LOVES Super Why. I think it's really helped him write and recognize letters. The website especially has helped.